Dragonfly-Training & More | Dragonfly

Dragonfly-Training & More

Dragonfly Sail Traning with professional sailing coach, Mr Werner Buschmann. Learn more about handling, sailing and trim. If needed, experienced crew member or skipper by delivery.

The concept Dragonfly-Training & More is a result of numerous discussions, and the experience of Team Dragonfly during boat shows. With the support Jens Quorning, the idea was born to create individual training program for Dragonfly sailors back in 2003. Since then, a lot of Dragonfly owners have used this program to get familiar with their Dragonfly and learn how to optimise handling and performance of their boat. While the yard will continue supporting in technical matters, Werner Buschmann is able to help handling the boat and various other sailing issues.

Werner Buschmann has a lot of experience as professional sailing instructor. He has a long standing cruising and racing experience with six own Dragonflys and other multihulls throughout the years. For further details, please see the Dragonfly-Training & More site, and/or, contact Werner Buschmann directly.

Now we know the fascination of Dragonfly sailing